Monday, September 30, 2019

Price Mechanism in a Capitalist Economy

In a capitalist economy, all the central problems are solved with the help of price mecha ­nism. In such an economy, no individual or a firm deliberately tries to solve the central problems; all economic activities operate automatically and there is no conflict anywhere. The basic reason for all this is that price mechanism brings about co-ordination in various sectors of economy and in various eco ­nomic activities. The important characteristic of such a system is that it is automatic and there is no institution or agency which regulates or operates it.The basis of price mechanism is that every commodity or service has a price which is determined with the help of supply and demand. Every commodity is bought and sold through money. If a person sells his services or commodity, he gets money and in lieu thereof he can buy goods and services which he needs. If there are more buyers of a commodity, its demand goes up and producers increase its production. On the other hand, if a comm odity is available in abundance, its supply increases, with the result its price goes down and producers reduce its production.Whenever there is a difference or dis ­equilibrium between supply and demand, price starts changing, with the result this difference disappears and again an equilibrium is established between supply and demand. demand and supply curves intersect each other at point E where price is OP and equilibrium output OQ. According to the schedule equilibrium price will be Rs. 10 because at this price demand and supply are equal. In a capitalist economy, all the central problems are solved with the help of price mechanism.Now we would sec as to how all the central problems—what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce—arc solved with the help of price mechanism. 1. What to produce? In a capitalist economy, production of a commodity is decided by the forces of demand and supply. As the production of a commodity depends upon its demand and suppl y, in the same way aggregate output is determined by aggregate demand and aggregate supply. The level of output where aggregate demand and aggregate supply are equal is finally fixed as equilibrium output.In the aggregate output, what should be the quantities of different commodities. This decision is also taken by the equilibrium of demand and supply of different commodities. The production of the commodity is increased whose price goes up as a result of increase in its demand. On the other hand, if the demand of a commodity declines, its production is reduced. 2. How to produce? As the competition among consumers decides as to what goods should be produced, in the same way, the competition among the producers decides as to how goods should be produced.A commodity can be produced adopting a number of techniques. The method or technology which is the cheapest is adopted and the one which is costlier is abandoned. Therefore, the decision as to how goods should be produced depends on the prices of factors. A producer combines various factors for producing a commodity in such a way so that his production cost is minimum. For example, coal and diesel both can be used as fuel. If coal is cheaper in comparison to diesel, coal would be used and reverse would be the case if diesel is cheaper.In this way, the choice of technique of production or the factor combination depends upon the factor prices. In a country where there is abundance of labour and wages are low, more of labour and less of capital! would be used. On the other hand, in a country where there is less of labour and more of capital, capital-intensive techniques would be used. 3. For whom to produce? In a capitalist economy, production of commodities depends upon the buying capacity of the consumers in the market. It is a well known fact that the paying capacity of a consumer depends upon his purchasing power or his income.Besides this, the income of a consumer depends upon the fact as to how much his serv ices are demanded. Higher the demand for a person's services, higher would be his income. If the income of a consumer is more, his capacity to buy is more. In such a situation, production will be carried out for such persons whose incomes are more or who can pay. Therefore, in a capitalist economy, it is observed that price-mechanism facilitates more production of luxuries meant for rich people and less production of goods of mass consumption meant for poor people.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Network Neutrality

SHOULD NETWORK NEURALITY CONTINUE? DRAFT SUMMARY This case study from the beginning wanted to know the kind of internet use the reader is and how their usage is affecting the bandwidth making it slow down the entire internet. It went further to discuss reports which indicated that use demand for the internet could outspace network capacity by 2011 which would result in slow performance on websites such as youtube and facebook with other services. The debate about metering internet use centres was also raised.Network neutrality which is the idea of internet service providers allowing customers equal access to content and applications regardless of the source or nature of the content was the key issue discussed in this case study. It brought to the fore the fact that presently the internet is indeed neutral because it was built on phone lines, which are subject to common carriage laws. These laws require phone companies to treat all calls and customers equally. Which means that they ca nnot offer extra benefits to customers willing to pay higher premiums for faster or clearer calls.Due to bandwidth consumed by content being delivered over the internet, Telecom and cable companies want to be able to charge differentiated prices. Advocates of net neutrality are pushing congress to regulate the industry which would require network providers to refrain from these types of practices. Some companies report that 5 percent of their customers use about half the capacity on local lines without paying any more than low-usage customers. They state that metered pricing is â€Å"the fairest way† to finance necessary investments in its network infrastructure.Internet service providers point to the upsurge in piracy of copyrighted materials over the Internet as a reason to oppose network neutrality. Comcast reported that illegal file sharing of copyrighted material was consuming 50 percent of its network capacity. The company posits that if network transmission rates were slower for this type of content, users would be less likely to download or access it. Bob Kahn, another co-inventor of the Internet Protocol opposes network neutrality saying that it removes the incentive for network providers to innovate, provide new capabilities, and upgrade to new technology.ANSWERS 1. What is network neutrality? Why has the Internet operated under net neutrality up to this point in time? Network neutrality is the idea that Internet service providers must allow customers equal access to content and applications regardless of the source or nature of the content. Presently the Internet is indeed neutral: all Internet traffic is treated equally on a first-come, first-serve basis by Internet backbone owners.The Internet is neutral because it was built on phone lines, which are subject to ‘common carriage’ laws. Common Carrier law reflects a business principle that strives to avoid discrimination in a wide range of commercial practices. These laws require phone companies to treat all calls and customers equally. They cannot offer extra benefits to customers willing to pay higher premiums for faster or clearer calls, a model knows as tiered service. 2. Who’s in favor of network neutrality? Who’s opposed? Why? Organizations like MoveOn. rg, the Christian Coalition, the American Library Association, every major consumer group, many bloggers and small businesses, and some large Internet companies like Google and Amazon are in favour and supports network neutrality. Vint Cerf, a co-inventor of the Internet Protocol and some members of the U. S. Congress also support network neutrality . This group argues that the risk of censorship increases when network operators can selectively block or slow access to certain content. Others are concerned about the effect of slower transmission rates on their business models if users can’t download or access content in a speedy fashion.Telecommunications and cable companies are lar gely opposed to network neutrality and want to be able to charge differentiated prices based on the amount of bandwidth consumed by content being delivered over the Internet. Some companies report that 5 percent of their customers use about half the capacity on local lines without paying any more than low-usage customers. They state that metered pricing is â€Å"the fairest way† to finance necessary investments in its network infrastructure. Internet service providers point to the upsurge in piracy of copyrighted materials over the Internet as a reason to oppose network neutrality.Comcast reported that illegal file sharing of copyrighted material was consuming 50 percent of its network capacity. The company posits that if network transmission rates were slower for this type of content, users would be less likely to download or access it. Bob Kahn, another co-inventor of the Internet Protocol opposes network neutrality saying that it removes the incentive for network providers to innovate, provide new capabilities, and upgrade to new technology. 3. What would be the impact on individual users, businesses, and government if Internet providers switched to a tiered service model?It has been argued by proponents of net neutrality that a neutral Internet encourages everyone to innovate without permission from the phone and cable companies or other authorities. A more level playing field spawns countless new businesses. Allowing unrestricted information flow becomes essential to free markets and democracy as commerce and society increasingly move online. Heavy users of network bandwidth would pay higher prices without necessarily experiencing better service. Even those who use less bandwidth could run into the same situation.Network owners believe regulation like the bills proposed by net neutrality advocates will impede U. S. competitiveness by stifling innovation and hurt customers who will benefit from ‘discriminatory’ network practices. U. S. Internet service already lags behind other nations in overall speed, cost, and quality of service, adding credibility to the providers’ arguments. Obviously, by increasing the cost of heavy users of network bandwidth, telecommunication and cable companies and Internet service providers stand to increase their profit margins. 4. Are you in favor of legislation enforcing network neutrality?Why or why not? WHY Innovation and Creativity are the Heart of Net Neutrality The Internet has grown at a phenomenal pace since its beginnings in the early 1990's, and this growth is largely in part due to the protections and freedoms that net neutrality affords. Groundbreaking ideas and innovative products such as Google, eBay, YouTube, and torrents have gotten to where they are today because of net neutrality, and there are literally thousands of new start-ups, online stores, and simple ecommerce sites that start every day with the same chance to make it big. Net neutrality encourages creat ive expression.For example, a lecturer talking to weekend MBA students via podcast. Without net neutrality, this opportunity would be limited at best, and completely throttled at worst. Net Neutrality Provides a Competitive Marketplace Most people have access to only one, perhaps two ISPs (Internet Service Providers) in their local area. If net neutrality were to be revoked, these ISPs would have the authority to regulate Internet access, and since the consumer would most likely be unable to choose a different service provider, that access would be defined according to their discrimination. WHY NOTTiered Access Could Make For A Better Internet Net neutrality, if legislated would affect Internet Service providers who believe in the tiered access. That is paying for different levels of Internet service. This could pay for more sophisticated infrastructure, which would benefit all the users of that network. Their argument postulates that large companies could afford to pay higher fees for Internet access, which would in turn finance network improvements, which would eventually trickle down to the average Web user. Control Legislation would actually control commonplace safety practices and loopholes for unethical exploits.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reading response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Reading response - Essay Example The white race is protected from pollution and other environmental problems more than any other race particularly on issues such as siting the waste facilities and degree of penalties. The government’s style of cleaning up waste also favored only the white people since they were given priority. It is unfortunate to note that even the administration which should protect its people also discriminated them against race (Cole & Sheila 58-65). According to the authors, some of the reasons attributed to unequal distribution of environmental risks are the current social practices and structures. The article reveals that the individual lifestyle is one of the causes of environmental risks. The minority groups are said to be residing around areas where there are high environmental exposures such as where there are contaminated fish and heavy industries (Cole & Sheila 64-69). I agree with the authors that a good number of minority groups is poor thus forcing them to reside in poor urban areas. The poverty nature of the minority groups also deters them from accessing better medical facilities. However, the government should put measures to avoid such kind of unequal distribution of environmental risks such as offering better housing, employment and health care to all (Cole & Sheila 63-72). Some of the intentions or conducts by the government such as discrimination are based on racism although the judiciary may want further evidence on this. It may be hard to prove racism in the court but the fact that environmental risks are common amongst minority group is enough evidence. The article claims that perhaps the challenge of environmental exposure may be influenced by unequal distribution of the siting process (Westra & Bill 95-105). According to the authors, the minority groups segregated themselves in places that made the government to marginalize them and pay less attention to them. This was also

Friday, September 27, 2019

Public safety debate Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Public safety debate - Research Paper Example There is a growing concern among the human rights group regarding the morality of such stringent punishments as a means to deter crime. However regardless of such public outcry against the immorality of death penalty, and the violation of human and civil rights it continues to be implemented in different parts of the world. In the wake of high-profile international cases such as terrorism and war crimes which are continuously on the rise which threatens to disrupt the social fabric of the society, capital punishment or death penalties have garnered more support bringing the topic back to public consciousness. Historically, diverse forms of punishment which were implemented to ensure law and order in society have been influenced by a range of factors including social, economic, political as well as cultural, regardless of its impact on the outcome (Strange, 1996; Garland, McGown, and Meranze, 2011; Pate, Laurie, and Gould, 2012). Thus the issue of capital punishment is not merely rest ricted to legal issues but extends far beyond that and the only crucial question that looms large is the one concerning its moral legitimacy rather than its efficacy. It has been often observed that with respect to issues aimed at questioning the legality, efficacy and credibility of policymaking process and its implementation, opinions are often sharply divided and staunch supporters as well as opponents exist that defying the claims made and weakening the arguments put forward by the rivals on either end of the spectrum (Weiss, 1991; Majone, 1989). The literature supporting and dismissing the credibility of capital punishment is on the rise; pointing to opposing conclusions, which itself acts a barrier preventing the formation of an informed public opinion. Some such discussions are included hereunder: Death penalty as a crime deterrent: Proponents of death penalty argue that the threat of punishment acts a deterrent to criminal offenders and prevents them from committing crime. I t attracts large scale public disapproval and has a serious impact on their attitudes towards the criminals thus affecting the morality of those convicted of serious crimes. There is large amount of literature which provides empirical evidence regarding the effectiveness of criminal punishment as an effective crime deterrent. Researchers have argued that the fear of such harsh punishment instills a fear of execution among the people and hence results in the reduction of homicides (Dezhbakhsh, Rubin, and Shepherd 2003; Mocan and Gittings 2003; Shepherd 2004; Zimmerman 2004; Shepherd 2005). Furthermore it has also been argued that the threat of punishment induces compliant behavior among the public which results in following the law by the citizens as a matter of habit, thus successfully establishing a natural law and order in the society and safeguarding the well-being and security of the citizens in the process (Siegel, 2012). However contrary to such claims, it has been observed by various researchers that most criminals are unyielding to harsher punishments either due to their ignorance regarding the perceived risk associated with the crimes and the severity of the punishment or their complete lack of knowledge regarding the consequences of their actions (Siegel, 2010; Brody & Acker, 2011). The proponents of death

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Preschoolers grow their brains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Preschoolers grow their brains - Essay Example It helps in doing away with the ‘I cannot do it’ attitude that is among the beliefs that makes most people fail to achieve their goals. It also leads to the children becoming more independent in making choices and also thinking of ways that they can solve future problems. The children become more responsible and view ways of solving issues instead of becoming escapist. The model of thinking helps children become more creative and enhance their critical thinking abilities that take them along the way in their entire lifetime (Shelby and Christie 33). The article is also paramount for the adults as according to the article; the teachers explain that they are also able to think more and grow in their skills. It has also particularly influenced me as I have realized that there are simple, but practical way of coming up with solutions without conflicting in a negative way (Shelby and Christie 32). In a nutshell, the article emphasizes more on developing problem solvers and children that are prepared to solve challenges even in their adulthood. The concept of coming up with children who can think critically to solve problems, communicate effectively, collaborate with others and those with creative and innovative skills should be highly embraced and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

PEST Analysis of Aviva PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

PEST Analysis of Aviva PLC - Essay Example Aviva Plc is the sixth largest insurance group in the entire world. It has a huge customer base of 44.5 million, and provides its clients with insurance products and various savings and investment schemes. The major part of the firm’s business comes from Europe where it is one of the pioneering life and general insurance companies. Aviva has developed an elaborate distribution network in the European market to serve over 18 million customers in the continent. The European Union is the world’s largest market for life insurance and pension products and Aviva Plc has harnessed this opportunity to gain a strong foothold over there. The company also happens to be the largest insurance provider in the United Kingdom (Aviva, 2011). Aviva specializes in providing life insurance, general insurance and various pension schemes to its customers. In Europe, it is a leading provider of various life insurance, general insurance and health insurance products. In recent years, the compa ny has rationalized its product offerings in this market and is attempting to merge all its business in the continent under a single head. In 2010, Aviva has identified significant opportunities in the European pension market. The 27 European Union countries including Russian and Turkey had an annual gap between pension and savings of about â‚ ¬ 2.4 trillion. ... Customers can purchase these products either directly from Aviva, from any of its corporate partners or from any of its intermediary firms. In 2010, Aviva’s life insurance and general insurance business reported a strong performance in the UK market. The sales of its life insurance products increased by 19 per cent from the previous year to ?11,846 million. This resulted in a record level of operating profits of about ? 850 million, which was 26 per cent higher than the corresponding 2009 figures. In the general insurance business, Aviva UK witnessed an increase in its sales during each succeeding quarter of 2010. The profits in this sector reported an annual increase of 8 per cent to â‚ ¬ 579 million. Aviva UK, also merged many of its life insurance and general insurance schemes together to provide the customers with innovative products during the year 2010. (Business Summary, 2011) The main share of revenues of Aviva plc is derived from its life and general insurance busi ness and its asset management services. The European Union especially UK comprises the world’s largest markets for life insurance and pension services. Aviva has harnessed this opportunity to emerge as the largest insurance company in UK and the second largest provider in Europe. The company has devised its insurance schemes in such a way so as to simultaneously cater to the interests of the customers and the firm itself. In 2010, UK’s insurance intermediary organizations voted Aviva as the region’s leading provider of life, general and health insurance policies. The firm has also directed its efforts in expanding its main business activities in the North American countries – USA and Canada. The firm has tried to leverage the advantages of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Annonated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Annonated Bibliography - Essay Example The conclusive issues stated in the articles chosen below are not dependent on personal feelings or prejudice. The articles contain knowledge that has been presented after critical examination of the available facts with no potential for discrepancies. It is quite obvious that the knowledge contained therein exists independently. The articles were chosen specifically due to the fact that they contain knowledge that is factual just like any objective knowledge. The information is quite independent that even after being researched from various authors, the deduction is independent on any prejudice or personal feelings. It is a reality that cancer exists and is caused by all the causes stated in the documents. The palliative care for patients suffering from the various types of cancer is quite explicit and almost similar. Almost all the authors have the same ideas about cancer as a family health concern and its significance to the nursing profession. The first article is authored by the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario who state that environmental pollution can lead to cancer giving an excellent reason why they believe so (RNAO 2008). Echoing these sentiments is the Center for Disease Control; they also go further giving explicit explanations and evidences on the same (CDC 2012). These among the many articles utilized in this research fulfill the characteristics of objective articles on cancer. Nursing has been viewed as more of a female suited kind of profession, a good reason why it is dominated by females. According to Converse (2010), feminism has both negative and positive effects in nursing. Apparently, this profession being a potent and easy target for feminist attacks, it became quite ambivalent with the group. This led to a few changes in the profession. The author looks at feminism in terms of power which serves as an easy source of information. A good example stated by the author is on the

Monday, September 23, 2019

History of the world via its technologies up to 1492 Essay

History of the world via its technologies up to 1492 - Essay Example Amongst the most technologically advanced civilizations in the recorded history is the Ice Age Civilization. â€Å"The Jomon people †¦ survive as the Ainu of Hokkaido and northern Honshu, the northeasternmost Japanese islands. They were displaced by Yayoi invaders from Korea around 400 BC† (Smith, n.d.). Containers from the Jomon pottery happen to be the oldest known containers. They are thought to have existed 11600 years ago and thus, belong to the era before the culmination of Ice Age. Turkish were the oldest in Africa, Asia and Europe dating back to almost 10500 years. Making use of the water-tight Jomon containers, people found it easy to boil their food to get rid of germs and steam it. This made it possible for the Jomon Ice Age Civilization to enrich and diversify their diet with more nutritious and hygienic food including shellfish and steamed vegetables with large green leaves. They were aware of the positive effects of boiling the food on its hygiene and thus, people of the Jomon Ice Age Civilization boiled such foods like acorns to decrease their toxicity. Boiling the food also made it soft enough to be fed to toothless infants and old people. Hunting and gathering allowed the people of the Jomon Ice Age Civilization to dwell within and on the outskirts of their own villages without having to cultivate the crops. They did not have metallic tools for weaving or writing and the political fabric of their culture was very weak, yet it made little difference to them as they lived a very happy and fulfilling life without these things in their life. From the images and pieces of art belonging to the period of Ice Age, it can be inferred that the Ice Age Civilization might have been much more advanced in the sociological values as compared to all civilizations that have succeeded them until the present age. This can be estimated from the fact that the present civilization has just started to perceive the way quantum computers function, the reali ty levels linked with the Many-Worlds quantum theory. Owing to the unmatched spiritual and social advancement of the Ice Age Civilization, the construction of the Sphinx-Giza complex can be attributed to them specially because the homeland of African Abyssinian Highlanders is the only region which is thought to have sustained favorable climates between the 35000 years old Ice Age and the period 12000 years before today. Location of the Sphinx-Giza complex is the place where the African and Asian regions of the Ice Age Civilization meet each other. Modern age is characterized by the use of computers. Thus, computers, in different forms in the past serve as the common technological element between past and present. One of the very ancient astronomical computers in the astrolabe, that was used for solving intricate problems about the location of starts and Sun and determination of time. The most popular astrolabe produced in the history was the planispheric astrolabe which was used for projecting the celestial sphere upon the equator’s plane. Old astrolabes were made from brass. Little is known about the time when the stereographic projection transformed into what is called as astrolabe today. The treatise written by Theon of Alexandria in 390 is generally taken as a historic account of the subject in Middle Ages. Astrolabe was the computer of ancient times. The concept was

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Peculiarities of Literacy Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Peculiarities of Literacy Education - Essay Example With computer technology text messages and images can move around the screen, produce music and movements, can freeze and navigate images and therefore in this way readers not only adopt the visual image but transform it, in this way, therefore, young people are using computers to construct their own meanings and also adapting to new forms.3 However print text is also important in developing the children's burgeoning development of literacy, there are certain prescribed practices that accompany each type of text, there is a rule that is embedded in each type of text and that the most important thing is to isolate and understand the different practices and the tacit understanding of the children in different subject, hence we must not concentrate purely on the linguistic but also on the multimodal. Children are dealing with greater network of meaning and the literacy curriculum need to match that in order for them to be set for the future, there is a difference between the literacy's children are learning at home and at the literacy class, this differences must be learnt and explored because children feel the differences between the literacy classes and the plugin technology and therefore there is need to help them accept the different literacy experiences in their lives. The text children enjoy at home are electronic, therefore the choice of text in the literacy class need to reflect the multimodality seen in websites by the children in order to appeal their reading behaviour, this would include novels, biographies, columns and poems from best writers that enrich the lives of our students. Further, the texts that touch on the emotional and intellect of readers are likely to move them into a greater depth of understanding. The use of technology, therefore, need to be viewed as the way in which students gain more knowledge and become literate, there is need to incorporate technology and using texts that appeal the reading habits of students, there is also the need to match the differences between the literacy classes and the plug-in technology. Teachers need to redefine reading in a way that it will embrace the interest and the needs of students, Booth outlined twelve steps in which teachers need to revolutionize the way they encourage children to read and this include; redefining what reading means, including comics and magazines in reading programs, including stories in programs because a story is the heart of literacy, helping the students through building strong reading muscles, valuing the responses of students, viewing writing as literacy, recognising the different stage and ages of students, focusing on literacy in every subject, welcoming young people into literacy culture, exploring how words work, understanding that technology is part of literacy and finally turning printed texts into active learning.     

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Nature and Nurture Influences Essay Example for Free

Nature and Nurture Influences Essay We were asked to write a paper on Nature and Nurture influences on a child development. There has been a debate for years about this topic. Some phycologist believe that it is just nature that you are born with the genes from you parents to make you the way you are through evolution. Then there are those that it is just the nurturing we receive as babies or even in the womb through our child hood. That both Nature and Nurture go together in some way. The difference between Nature and Nurture will be described and the relationship between the two. I will explain the biological, environmental, societal, and cultural influences on child development in relation to nature versus nurture. This debate has gone one since 1970’s, when some studies showed the social behaviors of primates like chimpanzees and gorillas that this was humans closest relatives genetically speaking (Garcà ­a, J. 2014). The increased social significance of gay and lesbian rights in recent years has sparked interest among some researchers as to the causes of homosexuality. Supporters of gay rights claim that homosexuality is natural and innate, while many opponents of gay rights often claim that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice (Garcà ­a, J. 2014). These are big debatable topics that they say is all nature. I disagree I am a Christian and go by the bible not scientist sorry that’s my belief. Whether you are gay or believe we come from monkeys that’s fine. I believe it is a choice you choose to be the way you are it’s your life style that’s fine. We are nurtures from the time we are conceived parents talk to their babies will in the womb. The fetus does respond to noise we say the ABC’s to them when they are born we hold them feed them. When our children get older or fall as a child we kiss their wounds to make them feel better. We teach them to ride bikes some grasp it faster than others we  encourage our children to do their best in everything they do. I have four children they are all different the pregnancies was different. My pregnancies with my sons I was not sick with either. First child sleep great hardly sick. The second pregnancy my son was sick for the first year had colic ear infe ctions was rough. The pregnancies with my girls I was sick had acid reflux in the beginning of the third pregnancy fourth was a girl acid reflux during my whole pregnancy. They both had it in the beginning as well, but my youngest daughter still have attacks of acid reflux. Not everything is genetic we get our looks from our parents some are great musicians, but their child doesn’t follow their footsteps and can play any instrument. I peck a piano my daughter taught herself other children do not know how to play. Factor, in the study of development, nature refers to the inherited (genetic) characteristics and tendencies that influence development. Nurture affects children’s development through multiple channels: physically through nutrition, activity, and stress; intellectually through informal experiences and formal instruction; and socially through adult role models and peer relationships. In contrast, abilities in traditional school subject areas (e.g., reading, geography) and advanced artistic and physical skills (e.g., playing the piano, playing competitive soccer) rest heavily on instruction and practice (Gardner, Torff, Hatch, 1996; Olson, 1994; R. Watson, 1996). So in conclusion you will always have those that will say we still come from monkeys and those are the facts. I still do not believe that never will. Then there will be those that say that its nature that we are the way we are. I believe that nature is apart , but mostly nurture started in the beginning of life’s creation from the seed to the implantation thru adult hood. References Garcà ­a, J. (2014). Nature versus nurture debate. Research Starter Topics,

Friday, September 20, 2019

Evaluating The Congestive Heart Failure Nursing Plan Nursing Essay

Evaluating The Congestive Heart Failure Nursing Plan Nursing Essay As defined by Phipps (Monahan, F, Sands, J, Neighbours, M, Marek, J.F, 2007) congestive heart failure occurs when, the myocardium of the heart is unable to uphold a sufficient cardiac output to meet the bodys metabolic needs. Heart failure can result from either systolic or diastolic dysfunction (Monahan, F, Sands, J, Neighbours, M, Marek, J.F, 2007). Assessment tools that will be used in the assessment of Mr. Toscana include, head to toe, physical, and systems assessments. A risk assessment will also be done on Mr. Toscana to insure that he is safe in hospital (Berman, A, Kozier, B, Erb, G.L, 2008,). As Mr. Toscana suffers from congestive heart failure a wide range of education and psychosocial support is available to help with his condition (Heart Foundation, 2010). A nursing care plan has been made to show four nursing diagnoses and interventions to reduce the impact of the diagnosis. These nursing diagnosess can be solved through a variety of diagnostic tests to make sure that ev ery possible outcome is looked at (Berman, A, Kozier, B, Erb, G.L, 2008). Mr. Toscana is taking a few medications at the present time to manage his cardiac issues along with other medical conditions he suffers from, these medications are, Lasix, digoxin, aspirin, warfarin and perindopril. (Tiziani, A, 2010), (Better Health Channel, 2010) PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF CONGESTIVE CARDIAC FAILURE Both systolic and diastolic heart failure are second to myocardial injury. Progression of heart failure is highly dependent on the level of ventricular remodelling, this occurs after myocardial injury (Monahan, F, Sands, J, Neighbours, M, Marek, J.F, 2007). The changes in ventricle shape and dimension will cause a decrease in its effectiveness as a pump. An increase on diastolic pressure possibly will further change the shape of the left ventricle, thus resulting in papillary muscle rearrangement and mitral insufficiency. It is more common for congestive heart failure to begin in the left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Some of the common causes for decreased left ventricular stenosis include that of, CAD, systemic hypertension, and aortic stenosis. CAD by diminishing the oxygen supply to the myofibrils decreases contractility. Hypertension causes the left ventricle to contract more with more force to eject blood into the aorta. (Monaha n, F, Sands, J, Neighbours, M, Marek, J.F, 2007) Over a period of time hypertrophy of the muscle fibres happens and an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption occurs. Aortic stenosis, the left ventricle must increase its pumping force to deliver blood through the tight valve. Heart failure will be the result when the hearts need of oxygen cannot be met and blood remains at the end of systole. (Mccance, K, Huether, S.E, Brashers, V.L, Rote, N.S, 2010,) CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE As stated in Monahan, F, Sands, J, Neighbours, M, Marek, J.F, 2007, Page 814, the clinical manifestations of heart failure occur secondary to elevated filing pressure and tissue hyperfusion Clinical manifestations of congestive heart failure can be broken down into the systems in which they affect the respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal systems and show effects in both cerebral and psychosocial. Clinical manifestations in respiratory are, dyspnoea, orthopnea, a persistent cough, crackles in the lungs. The cardiovascular system is affected by, the onset of angina, tachycardia, increase of systolic blood pressure and an increase in systolic blood pressure. Gastrointestinal clinical manifestations include that of, enlargement of the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, pain in the epigastric region, anorexia and bloating. Confusion and restlessness can be seen as manifestations of cerebral, and anxiety is associated with manifestations to psychosocial. Generalised manifestations include oedema; either pitting or peripheral, weight gain and fatigue. (Monahan, F, Sands, J, Neighbours, M, Marek, J.F, 2007), (Mccance, K, Huether, S.E, Brashers, V.L, Rote, N.S, 2010,), (Better Health Channel, 2010) NURSING ASSESSMENT OF MR. TOSCANA For Mr. Toscana a variety of nursing assessments will be done upon admission. As well as the usual monitoring of vital signs, assessments such as, head to toe, physical and systems assessments, need to be completed. A head to toe assessment will be performed to give a detail initial assessment studying the whole body to see if there is any other factors that may cause harm or pain, in a head to toe assessment circulatory problems, pressure areas, existing wounds, can all be seen as well as gaining an in depth assessment of the skin. A physical assessment will be done on Mr. Toscana will also be performed, a physical assessment includes, inspection; which is the visual inspection of a person, palpation; the examination done by touch, auscultation; a form of examination by listening to the sounds made by the body (heart, lung and bowel), percussion; the examination done by tapping, percussion is done to listen for abnormal sounds and detect issue (Berm an, A, Kozier, B, Erb, G.L, 2008,). A systems assessment of Mr. Toscana will be beneficial because, along with the other forms of assessment a systems will be able to give a base mark of where he is, a systems assessment covers, central nervous (CNS), cardiovascular (CVS) assesses, respiratory (RESP), gastrointestinal (GIT), renal (RENAL), skin integrity (SKIN), and psychosocial (PSYCH). Together these forms assessment will provide a detailed amount of information to create a nursing care plan for Mr. Toscana, including interventions that need to be made, and things to implement to further his recovery and aid in his discharge. (Berman, A, Kozier, B, Erb, G.L, 2008,). NURSING CARE PLAN Please refer to appendices one for full nursing care plan. (Berman, A, Kozier, B, Erb, G.L, 2008,). (Monahan, F, Sands, J, Neighbours, M, Marek, J.F, 2007), (Heart Foundation, 2010), (Holmesglen, 2009), (Better Health Channel, 2010) DIAGNOSTIC TESTS For Mr. Toscana there are a number of diagnostic tests that will help with the assessment, management and detection of underlying issues. Tests that can be performed on Mr. Toscana are as follows, a chest X-ray to see if there are any problems with his lungs, or vascular congestion, or congestion of the liver (this can suggest right sided failure) (Monahan, F, Sands, J, Neighbours, M, Marek, J.F, 2007), a full blood test including electrolytes, an ECG to check the rhythm of the heart, and determine the causes for Mr. Toscanas symptoms. The use of urine analysis to see if infection is present, function of kidneys, traces of blood in relation to fluid build up. The combination of these tests will provide a baseline for assessment, guide the nursing care, and rule out all other possible causes of the symptoms that Mr. Toscana has presented with. (Monahan, F, Sands, J, Neighbours, M, Marek, J.F, 2007) RISK ASSESMENT From the history of Mr. Toscana a risk assessment can be done. Assessments such as falls, and pressure care. A falls risk assessment will be done on Mr. Toscana to determine the risk he is of falling, and if further measures need to be implemented to insure that he is safe while in hospital, a suitable framework for a falls risk is the FRAT tool, (Falls Risk Assessment Tool), (Department Of Human Services Victoria, 2005) a FRAT tool will show the level of risk that Mr. Toscana is, and risk factors. A pressure area risk check can be done by using the Braden risk assessment tool (Berman, A, Kozier, B, Erb, G.L, 2008,), (South Australia Health, Date Unknown). this will help minimise the risk of Mr. Toscana developing pressure areas where possible. Things at home can also be deemed a risk, things such as; not being compliant with his medications can lead to poor health, and stress can all affect his general wellbeing and lead to further the progression of medical condition s. EDUCATION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT For Mr. Toscana education is a must, education about the maintenance of his congestive heart failure, about the importance of taking medication on a regular basis. How to manage the affects of his congestive cardiac failure, and avoid the effects, support for Mr. Toscana is also imperative to aid in his recovery things such as providing strategies to minimise the health problems, referral to a social worker to help with issues that are affecting him at home. Support groups set up by the heart foundation of Victoria will help with the emotional issues related to having this condition. (Heart Foundation, 2010) The importance of education and psychosocial support will be seen through less medical admissions or problems, increased quality of life and will give Mr. Toscana the ability to be able to deal with small problems before they grow into something much bigger. (Monahan, F, Sands, J, Neighbours, M, Marek, J.F, 2007) , (Berman, A, Kozier, B, Erb, G. L, 2008,) (Better Health Channel, 2010) MEDICATIONS Mr. Toscana is taking a number of medications including, warfarin and digoxin. The action of Digoxin is, it increase the myocardial contraction force in the failing heart, decreases conductivity of the heart in particular the A-V node, increase on vagal activity this results in the slowing of the sinoatrial nodal rate, increases myocardial excitability this can result in ectopic beats this happens mostly through high doses of digoxin, oral digoxin effective in an approximate time frame of 1 hour, maximal effect is reached between four and six hours. The use of digoxin for Mr. Toscana is, to treat his congestive heart failure. Digoxin may produce a false ST-T wave change on an ECG if tested during exercise. Digoxin can cause the following adverse effects, gastrointestinal issues including, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and pain in the abdomen. Cardiovascular effects, ectopic beats, bradycardia, heart block. Tachycardia (ventricular). The adverse effect of toxicity is a decrease on appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, severe stomach pains, weakness and tiredness, a slow and irregular heartbeat, blurred vision, drowsiness, mental depression or confusion, fainting and headaches. Nursing points/precautions which should be followed are that the tablet should never be halved; neither IM nor SC routes are recommended due to unpredictable absorption, because prolonged or intense pain and necrosis of the muscle to the client (Intramuscular), severe irritation may occur when given via a subcutaneous injection. A rapid IV administration should be avoided as it may cause hypertension and vasoconstriction. The action of warfarin is a suppressant of vitamin-K dependant synthesis of prothrombin in the liver, this prevents the extension of a clot that is already established of the formation of a new one, warfarin has an anticoagulant effect that is produced after 36-72 hours and can persist for between 4 and 5 days after the discontinuation of therapy. Th e use of warfarin is, as a prevention and management of the following, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism, thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation, and can be used as an adjunct to therapy for coronary occlusion. For Mr. Toscana there is no relevant interaction with this drug. The adverse effects of warfarin are fatal or non fatal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, alopecia, fever, hypersensitivity reaction, an overdose is seen by bleeding from the gums and haematuria, in rare cases skin necrosis is also seen. Some of the nursing points and precautions with warfarin are, that all intramuscular injections be avoided, and subcutaneous injection sites should be closely monitored for haematoma, make sure that the does is given the same time daily to Mr. Toscana, observation for the early signs of overdose things such bleeding especially important from the gums.( Tiziani, A, 2010) CONCLUSION Through a range of assessments, diagnostic testing, education and the development of a nursing care plan Mr. Toscanas condition should improve as well as his general wellbeing. Goals set out in the care plan will be achieved by interventions put in place insuring a quicker recovery for Mr. Toscana. Education is particularly important for Mr. Toscanas medication regime, support strategies will help with the improvement of overall health and wellbeing.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Uptian Sinclair And Socialism Essay -- essays research papers

Upton Sinclair and Socialism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Socialism has always been hard for me to understand. I never really grasped the concept of it until I read the book The Jungle and began to research for this paper. Before I begin I would like to go through a condensed version of the history of Socialism. It was founded in 1901 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Two groups came together to form the Socialists, the Social Democratic Party and the â€Å"Kangaroo† wing of the older Socialist Labor Party. These parties contained mostly immigrant workers from big cities (Jurgis from The Jungle was one such fictional worker). The new party expanded and included every type of extremist. They stood on the motto of â€Å"reform vs. revolution† and focused mainly on the labor union’s, â€Å"this included the concepts of revolution by education and of ‘building the new society within the shell of it’s old.’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1912 they had elected two members of Congress and more than seventy mayors. The most members it every attained at this time was 100,000 and even had a presidential candidate, Eugene Debs, who received almost a million votes. However soon the party began to have internal problems due to diverse ideologies. During the war half did not believe in the war and half believed in Stalin and his Communist ways, therefore, the party split.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The party had become weak and did not enter a political candidate for the presidential election. However, once the Great Depression began the Socialist party took a turn back to full tilt and gained strength. It ran Norman Thomas as their Presidential Candidate. He never won but continued to run, loosing votes every time he ran. Finally in 1948 with only 80,000 votes Thomas declared, â€Å"a Socialist presidential race was a futile effort and an utter waste of the party’s resources.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This warning was pushed aside and the party ran Darlington Hoopes in 1952. He received merely 20,203 votes and in the next election he received only a woeful 2,126 votes in the race of 1956. The Socialist Party in this nation had come to a crashing final end in terms of elections. It now only had an underdeveloped 2,000 members nationwide. In 1960, the first time since 1924 the Socialist party did not enter a presidential candidate on the ballot.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It was at th... ...d writer believed in the power of Socialism during the times on the late 1800’s to the mid 1970’s. It was felt that it was the only true way to end the â€Å" army of the unemployed†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sinclair may have not been a great writer in terms of structure or the use of symbolism . He was more interested in politics rather than the inner reaches of a man’s mind. His character’s lacked development beyond a static figure. He had no formal education as a writer and except for The Jungle he is hardly remembered at all and has no bearing on modern writers. He simply attempted to make literature functional and express his ideals concerning Socialism and perhaps persuade a few younger members to join. He seemingly failed to grasp the concept of literature in a whole â€Å"reveals life as complex and difficult to fathom†. He merely wanted to simplify it. In spite of all this, he remains a mystery, an enigma to critics the world round. â€Å"Even within a larger realization of his literary weaknesses and intellectual ambivalences, and taking into account even his blindness to racial oppression, Sinclairs’s commitment to social justice commands respect.† Uptian Sinclair And Socialism Essay -- essays research papers Upton Sinclair and Socialism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Socialism has always been hard for me to understand. I never really grasped the concept of it until I read the book The Jungle and began to research for this paper. Before I begin I would like to go through a condensed version of the history of Socialism. It was founded in 1901 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Two groups came together to form the Socialists, the Social Democratic Party and the â€Å"Kangaroo† wing of the older Socialist Labor Party. These parties contained mostly immigrant workers from big cities (Jurgis from The Jungle was one such fictional worker). The new party expanded and included every type of extremist. They stood on the motto of â€Å"reform vs. revolution† and focused mainly on the labor union’s, â€Å"this included the concepts of revolution by education and of ‘building the new society within the shell of it’s old.’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1912 they had elected two members of Congress and more than seventy mayors. The most members it every attained at this time was 100,000 and even had a presidential candidate, Eugene Debs, who received almost a million votes. However soon the party began to have internal problems due to diverse ideologies. During the war half did not believe in the war and half believed in Stalin and his Communist ways, therefore, the party split.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The party had become weak and did not enter a political candidate for the presidential election. However, once the Great Depression began the Socialist party took a turn back to full tilt and gained strength. It ran Norman Thomas as their Presidential Candidate. He never won but continued to run, loosing votes every time he ran. Finally in 1948 with only 80,000 votes Thomas declared, â€Å"a Socialist presidential race was a futile effort and an utter waste of the party’s resources.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This warning was pushed aside and the party ran Darlington Hoopes in 1952. He received merely 20,203 votes and in the next election he received only a woeful 2,126 votes in the race of 1956. The Socialist Party in this nation had come to a crashing final end in terms of elections. It now only had an underdeveloped 2,000 members nationwide. In 1960, the first time since 1924 the Socialist party did not enter a presidential candidate on the ballot.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It was at th... ...d writer believed in the power of Socialism during the times on the late 1800’s to the mid 1970’s. It was felt that it was the only true way to end the â€Å" army of the unemployed†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sinclair may have not been a great writer in terms of structure or the use of symbolism . He was more interested in politics rather than the inner reaches of a man’s mind. His character’s lacked development beyond a static figure. He had no formal education as a writer and except for The Jungle he is hardly remembered at all and has no bearing on modern writers. He simply attempted to make literature functional and express his ideals concerning Socialism and perhaps persuade a few younger members to join. He seemingly failed to grasp the concept of literature in a whole â€Å"reveals life as complex and difficult to fathom†. He merely wanted to simplify it. In spite of all this, he remains a mystery, an enigma to critics the world round. â€Å"Even within a larger realization of his literary weaknesses and intellectual ambivalences, and taking into account even his blindness to racial oppression, Sinclairs’s commitment to social justice commands respect.†

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Soviet gymnasts astounded the world with highly disciplined and difficult performances, setting a precedent that continues. The new medium of television has helped publicize and initiate a modern age of gymnastics. Both men's and women's gymnastics now attract considerable international interest, and excellent gymnasts can be found on every continent. Nadia Comaneci received the first perfect score, at the 1976 Summer Olympics held in Montreal, Canada. She was coached in Romania by coach, (Hungarian ethnicity), Bella Karolyn. Comaneci scored four of her perfect tens on the uneven bars, two on the balance beam and one in the floor exercise. Even with Nadia's perfect scores, the Romanians lost the gold medal to the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, Comaneci became an Olympic icon. In 2006, FIG introduced a new points system for Artistic gymnastics in which scores are no longer limited to 10 points. The system is used in the US for elite level competition. Unlike the old code of points, ther e are two separate scores, an execution score and a difficulty score. In the previous system, the "exe...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Essay --

My Family Case Study will examine the ‘Nguyen’ family and their current struggle with family finances. I will present the family, their history, and their response to the challenge of dealing with the crisis related to the family finances. I will present the family situation when they were in Vietnam first. In Vietnam, they bought the house and they didn’t have to pay any tax or fee. They were considered as a middle class well-living family in Vietnam. They got their own business over there. Their income per month were enough for them for a good living life. Only the father worked and the mother stayed home and took care the kids. One day they received a letter from the United State Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) said that they got approved to go to America. They got stressful since they got the letter. At that time, they were unsure whether or not to go to the U.S.A or stay back in Vietnam. It was a difficult decision for them because if they went to the U.S.A they had to give up their business which they had built up since they got married. Time went by, they determined to leave everything behind and went to the U.S.A for their kids’ future because they believed that America has a bes t educational system in the world. Until they came to America three years ago, their life had a big changed. Mr.Nguyen was a 45 years old man. He is married to Mrs. Nguyen who was a 40 years old. They were married 16 years ago in Vietnam. They had two children. One named Peter age 5 who was in pre-school and the other one named Mike age 9 who was in intermediate school. One month after they came to the U.S.A, they found a job and got pay minimum wage around 8 dollars per hour. The family lived in an apartment which 2 bedroom. ... ...getting a bad day at work, and feel like he couldn’t make more money to support his family well enough. He sometimes wants to buy electronic things, food, candy, new clothes etc†¦ for his wife and his children but he cannot afford it so whenever the fight starting between him and her, he cannot control all the stress and anxious in his mind and fight back at her even though he doesn’t want to. Mrs. Nguyen wants to help her husband coping with all the stress he has, so she gets some guidelines from the family therapist. Mrs. Nguyen want Mr. Nguyen to spend time with his family on the weekend and not going for a part time job. They will spend their time with their children and planning to have a family vacation, doing activities together or having dinner together in order to maintain a good relationship and not letting financial be a stressful problem in their family.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Katy Perry One of the Boys and Tomb Raider Under World texts Analysis

I will be analysing two different texts, â€Å"Katy Perry – One of the Boys† and â€Å"Tomb Raider – Under World†. I will consider three different things; Visual codes, mode of address language and layout design. Firstly I will be looking at â€Å"Katy Perry – One of the Boys†. Katy Perry releases mostly pop music, she is also known widely around the world. The scenery in this text is a complete juxtaposition against the title ‘One of the Boys', there is a lot of feminine colour, the stand out one being candy pink. Stereotypically boys are not associated with such feminine colours. This shows the text to be unconventional. Also unconventional could be seen in the fact that Katy Perry is the dominant figure in this picture, this is very unusual when an extreme long shot is used. When using the word pop artist usually the words perfection come to mind, however the text suggest imperfection, this could be seen with use of the cloud its covering the beautiful clear blue sky. This could be linked back to the title â€Å"one of the Boys† suggesting boys are allowed to show imperfection and this can hint towards the direction of the lyrics in this song. Katy Perry also draws further attention to herself by looking directly at the camera, she is addressing the audience directly. The fact they haven't used a real bird, suggest the need to look perfect in the pop industry and enhance the fake side and the fact everything is put together and has its place. Secondly I will be annotating â€Å"Tomb Raider – Under World†. Tomb Raider is generally based around a female in very revealing clothing completing very daring mission. The scenery of the text consists of different shades of green and yellow. The Yellow shades look similar to the colour that is create when the is a massive explosion and the models pose looks very unshaken, this can show her to have a very high shock level. The green shades are typical camouflage colours which are usually associated with the army, this can suggest that the game consist of violence and unexpected action. However the game has a user's age of 12+. This tells the audience that the game won't consist of extreme violence, because a 12 year is able to play it. This devalues what the game looks like it is all about, violence. This can demotivate older audience member such as 18 year olds from buying the game. There is some sex appeal from the costume she is wearing. The models eyes are cut out of the picture which suggests secrecy. This can also enhance the sex appeal of the cover, a mysterious woman. This game can be played on the Wii console which is generally advertised as a family console, this is very far from their usual games they choose to release I have analysed both text and in conclusion, â€Å"Katy Perry – One of the Boys† is unconventional, this is shown through the scenery and camera angles. It also suggests imperfection through the scenery and use of text. This text is goes against the normal. This is probably to engage the audience. â€Å"Tomb Raider – Under World† sends out mixed signals because of the age that is allowed to play this game and the violence that is suggested is in this game because of props and scenery. Also the fact it is playable on the Wii console would usually mean it is a family game. Both texts are unusual in different ways, but this in fact makes them stand out more.

Native American Culture †The Micmac

It is not known when the Micmac first arrived in the Canadian Maritime provinces. Sea levels have risen such that early sites are now underwater. The earliest descriptions that we have are of people who already had contact with the westThe Micmac, along with the Beothuk of Newfoundland, may well be the first of the first peoples to have had contact with Europeans. This could have occurred with the Vikings in the 11th century and / or with Basque and other European fishing fleets that fished on the Grand Banks, but did not publicly reveal the source of their large catches. All this was well before Columbus in 1492. In 1497 when John Cabot returned to England he took three members of the Micmac tribe back with him.The Basques fished off Canadian shores, and by 1519 would dry their catch and to carry out trade shore. By 1578 there were about 400 European boats coming in summer. Trade with the Micmac for furs, especially beaver, was profitable for both sides. The demand was greater than the Micmac could supply and quickly adopted the role of middlemen for tribes such as the Algonquian who lived far from shore. The metal weapons received in trade mean the Micmac had a tremendous advantage in battle over other Canadian tribes.[1]Rivalry over trade eventually led to the Tarrateen war of 1607 when the Micmac moved in as far as Massachusetts. However, they contracted a disease that eventually killed three quarters of the population. In 1613, the British, anxious to make claim to territories held by the French, destroyed Port Royal and the mission at Mont Desert. The Micmac were caught in the raid and were sold by the British as slaves. The original Micmac population number has been estimated to reach as high as 30,000 but was probably less. Contact with westerners lowered their numbers to around 1,800 in the 1820’s after contracting various diseases including a devastating epidemic of smallpox.They occupied the Canadian Maritimes including eastern New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Gaspà © Peninsula in Quebec, Prince Edward Island, and after about 1630, a Micmac band also lived in southwestern Newfoundland. There were now about 25,000 members of the tribe in Canada. The Jay treaty of 1794 between the newly formed United States and England allowed the Micmac to cross and re-cross the border freely. Nowadays there are groups in New York and Maine, where in 1991 they finally gained official federal recognition particularly in Boston where they make up the largest first peoples group in New England.[2]The original spelling of their name was Mi’kmaq, which means ‘allies’. Over time, Micmac became the commonly used spelling, although it has several variations. Various groups have also been known as Cape Sable Indians, Gaspesian, Matueswiskitchinuuk (Malecite â€Å"Porcupine Indians†) and Shonack (Beothuk â€Å"Bad Indians†), The French called them Souriquois and the British Tarrateen.Their language is a branch of A lgonquian, although somewhat different from that used further south. There are links with other local languages such as that of the Cree and the Montagnais. Most Micmac still use it as their first language, with either English or French being the second. Regional dialects are so strong that for instance those in Quebec have difficulties communicating with those in Nova Scotia. Because their language is similar to that of the Cree it is possible that they moved into the Maritimes from the north.The people did very little farming since they lived too far north to be able to grow corn, though some was done in the warm summer months. Instead they were skilled in hunting, gathering and fishing, especially with regard to the catching of fish and sea mammals. This made them skilled in the making and use of birch bark canoes and those made of caribou skin. After 1600 they also used sails. Their larger distinctive light, humpbacked canoes could be used even on the open sea. However they quic kly learnt that some European vessels were also useful and adopted them.The birch bark, poles and skins were also used to construct their homes – smaller conical ones in cold weather and long house types used in warmer times. They were semi-nomadic living near the shore during the summer fishing season and inland during the colder weather when it was easier to track moose and deer in the snow. Snowshoes, sledges and toboggans were used to make movement easier in the deep snow. Hunting camps would consist of only one family but in spring and summer, families would come together and form villages of several hundred people able to take advantage of plentiful food supplies. Before the arrival of metal kettles, water was heated by placing hot stones in wooden kettles.[3]Clans are patrilineal and the tribes are confederacies of these smaller groups. Each clan had and still has a symbol, used to mark possessions such as homes and canoes. Local chiefs and a group of elders governed t he villages. The oldest male in the area became the district chief. His importance was linked to the size of his family hence polygamy was practiced.   The leaders would decide when and where to hunt and fish. For instance in December they would ice fish for cod, in January they would hunt seals, in February move inland to hunt moose, deer and bear as well as smaller game by the end of March they would move to the coast to begin fishing again, they would begin to catch eels in the estuaries in mid September and then move into the forests when the snow came.This pattern started when they were trading beaver with the Europeans, as the furs would be thicker in winter. Also they had to be on the coasts in summer in order to meet with trading vessels. Methods used to catch game were varied. Spears or bows and arrows would be used to catch larger game and snares and traps were used for smaller creatures. They made ingenious callers form birch bark to attract moose.[4] In order to catch fish they used tridents, hooks, nets and weirs. Seals would be harpooned. In historical times bone or stone tools were replaced by iron and steel ones gained in trade.The groups would occasionally come together and elect a high king – the Grand Saqamaw. This method of political authority meant that in times of war organization was made easier.As with other woodland tribes clothing for both sexes was fringed buckskin. This was used for leggings, breechclouts and sleeves. At some point during the 1700’s the women began to wear pointed headdresses. Clothing, bags etc were decorated with porcupine quills, though traded glass beads largely replaced these after the arrival of the Europeans. They would originally be sewn together using sinews and bone needles. In areas where porcupines were not present trade would either obtain their quills or other items would be used in imitation of them e.g. spruce roots.   By the 18th century woolen blankets were being used, and in the 19th century men began to wear great coats and the women were using woolen and cotton cloth and steel needles.The Micmac feasted at weddings, funerals and before the hunting season began. Unusually funerals were conducted before the person had actually died. If someone was incurably ill dogs were killed as a sign of grief, then after much singing, the person would be allowed to make a last speech and then they would be abandoned and no one would help them.Regarding religion, one supreme god was believed in, but also there were lesser gods including those in human form. Stories often centered on Glooscap, a hero whose stories explain how the world came into being and how it works. The ancient Micmac did not distinguish between the natural and the supernatural. A spirit might inhabit everything from the large sun to a small rock. They had shamans known as puion who provided both curses and cures and interpreted the natural world. The missionaries discredited them but some traditional beliefs persist. In the 19th century missionary Silas Rand made a collection of these stories and beliefs. Even today a Micmac web site, Traditional Micmac culture, states that Glooscap still lives in every Micmac.[5]After the arrival of the French, who brought very few women with them, intermarriage became common and so did conversion to Christianity. The Jesuits arrived in 1610 and the first Micmac family was baptized in the same year. However the Micmac branch of Catholicism includes many native ideas. When the French gave up the Maritimes to the British in 1713 the Micmac remained loyal to French links and most now have French family names. They are proud of the way their culture has contributed to life and language in North America whereby the hand drawn toboggan and snowshoes are still in use. The fact that they now often speak English, drive cars and wear similar clothes to everyone else does not make them any less Micmac.Bibliography Swanton J. The Indian Tribes of North Ame rica, U.S. Government Printing Office 1952Micmac Indians of Canada retrieved 22nd October 2007 from This site quotes from Swanton’s book mentioned above.Micmac Indians of Maine found at retrieved on 22nd October 2007 from  Ã‚  Pastore, R. Traditional Micmac Culture retrieved on 22nd October 2007 from, L. Micmac history, retrieved 22nd October 2007 from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚[1] Swanton J. [2] [3] [4] [5] Native American Culture – The Micmac It is not known when the Micmac first arrived in the Canadian Maritime provinces. Sea levels have risen such that early sites are now underwater. The earliest descriptions that we have are of people who already had contact with the westThe Micmac, along with the Beothuk of Newfoundland, may well be the first of the first peoples to have had contact with Europeans. This could have occurred with the Vikings in the 11th century and / or with Basque and other European fishing fleets that fished on the Grand Banks, but did not publicly reveal the source of their large catches. All this was well before Columbus in 1492. In 1497 when John Cabot returned to England he took three members of the Micmac tribe back with him.The Basques fished off Canadian shores, and by 1519 would dry their catch and to carry out trade shore. By 1578 there were about 400 European boats coming in summer. Trade with the Micmac for furs, especially beaver, was profitable for both sides. The demand was greater than the Micmac could supply and quickly adopted the role of middlemen for tribes such as the Algonquian who lived far from shore. The metal weapons received in trade mean the Micmac had a tremendous advantage in battle over other Canadian tribes.[1]Rivalry over trade eventually led to the Tarrateen war of 1607 when the Micmac moved in as far as Massachusetts. However, they contracted a disease that eventually killed three quarters of the population. In 1613, the British, anxious to make claim to territories held by the French, destroyed Port Royal and the mission at Mont Desert. The Micmac were caught in the raid and were sold by the British as slaves. The original Micmac population number has been estimated to reach as high as 30,000 but was probably less. Contact with westerners lowered their numbers to around 1,800 in the 1820’s after contracting various diseases including a devastating epidemic of smallpox.They occupied the Canadian Maritimes including eastern New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Gaspà © Peninsula in Quebec, Prince Edward Island, and after about 1630, a Micmac band also lived in southwestern Newfoundland. There were now about 25,000 members of the tribe in Canada. The Jay treaty of 1794 between the newly formed United States and England allowed the Micmac to cross and re-cross the border freely. Nowadays there are groups in New York and Maine, where in 1991 they finally gained official federal recognition particularly in Boston where they make up the largest first peoples group in New England.[2]The original spelling of their name was Mi’kmaq, which means ‘allies’. Over time, Micmac became the commonly used spelling, although it has several variations. Various groups have also been known as Cape Sable Indians, Gaspesian, Matueswiskitchinuuk (Malecite â€Å"Porcupine Indians†) and Shonack (Beothuk â€Å"Bad Indians†), The French called them Souriquois and the British Tarrateen.Their language is a branch of A lgonquian, although somewhat different from that used further south. There are links with other local languages such as that of the Cree and the Montagnais. Most Micmac still use it as their first language, with either English or French being the second. Regional dialects are so strong that for instance those in Quebec have difficulties communicating with those in Nova Scotia. Because their language is similar to that of the Cree it is possible that they moved into the Maritimes from the north.The people did very little farming since they lived too far north to be able to grow corn, though some was done in the warm summer months. Instead they were skilled in hunting, gathering and fishing, especially with regard to the catching of fish and sea mammals. This made them skilled in the making and use of birch bark canoes and those made of caribou skin. After 1600 they also used sails. Their larger distinctive light, humpbacked canoes could be used even on the open sea. However they quic kly learnt that some European vessels were also useful and adopted them.The birch bark, poles and skins were also used to construct their homes – smaller conical ones in cold weather and long house types used in warmer times. They were semi-nomadic living near the shore during the summer fishing season and inland during the colder weather when it was easier to track moose and deer in the snow. Snowshoes, sledges and toboggans were used to make movement easier in the deep snow. Hunting camps would consist of only one family but in spring and summer, families would come together and form villages of several hundred people able to take advantage of plentiful food supplies. Before the arrival of metal kettles, water was heated by placing hot stones in wooden kettles.[3]Clans are patrilineal and the tribes are confederacies of these smaller groups. Each clan had and still has a symbol, used to mark possessions such as homes and canoes. Local chiefs and a group of elders governed t he villages. The oldest male in the area became the district chief. His importance was linked to the size of his family hence polygamy was practiced.   The leaders would decide when and where to hunt and fish. For instance in December they would ice fish for cod, in January they would hunt seals, in February move inland to hunt moose, deer and bear as well as smaller game by the end of March they would move to the coast to begin fishing again, they would begin to catch eels in the estuaries in mid September and then move into the forests when the snow came.This pattern started when they were trading beaver with the Europeans, as the furs would be thicker in winter. Also they had to be on the coasts in summer in order to meet with trading vessels. Methods used to catch game were varied. Spears or bows and arrows would be used to catch larger game and snares and traps were used for smaller creatures. They made ingenious callers form birch bark to attract moose.[4] In order to catch fish they used tridents, hooks, nets and weirs. Seals would be harpooned. In historical times bone or stone tools were replaced by iron and steel ones gained in trade.The groups would occasionally come together and elect a high king – the Grand Saqamaw. This method of political authority meant that in times of war organization was made easier.As with other woodland tribes clothing for both sexes was fringed buckskin. This was used for leggings, breechclouts and sleeves. At some point during the 1700’s the women began to wear pointed headdresses. Clothing, bags etc were decorated with porcupine quills, though traded glass beads largely replaced these after the arrival of the Europeans.They would originally be sewn together using sinews and bone needles. In areas where porcupines were not present trade would either obtain their quills or other items would be used in imitation of them e.g. spruce roots.   By the 18th century woolen blankets were being used, and in the 1 9th century men began to wear great coats and the women were using woolen and cotton cloth and steel needles.The Micmac feasted at weddings, funerals and before the hunting season began. Unusually funerals were conducted before the person had actually died. If someone was incurably ill dogs were killed as a sign of grief, then after much singing, the person would be allowed to make a last speech and then they would be abandoned and no one would help them.Regarding religion, one supreme god was believed in, but also there were lesser gods including those in human form. Stories often centered on Glooscap, a hero whose stories explain how the world came into being and how it works. The ancient Micmac did not distinguish between the natural and the supernatural. A spirit might inhabit everything from the large sun to a small rock.They had shamans known as puion who provided both curses and cures and interpreted the natural world. The missionaries discredited them but some traditional be liefs persist. In the 19th century missionary Silas Rand made a collection of these stories and beliefs. Even today a Micmac web site, Traditional Micmac culture, states that Glooscap still lives in every Micmac.[5]After the arrival of the French, who brought very few women with them, intermarriage became common and so did conversion to Christianity. The Jesuits arrived in 1610 and the first Micmac family was baptized in the same year. However the Micmac branch of Catholicism includes many native ideas. When the French gave up the Maritimes to the British in 1713 the Micmac remained loyal to French links and most now have French family names.They are proud of the way their culture has contributed to life and language in North America whereby the hand drawn toboggan and snowshoes are still in use. The fact that they now often speak English, drive cars and wear similar clothes to everyone else does not make them any less Micmac.Bibliography Swanton J. The Indian Tribes of North Americ a, U.S. Government Printing Office 1952Micmac Indians of Canada retrieved 22nd October 2007 from This site quotes from Swanton’s book mentioned above.Micmac Indians of Maine found at retrieved on 22nd October 2007 from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pastore, R. Traditional Micmac Culture retrieved on 22nd October 2007 from, L. Micmac history, retrieved 22nd October 2007 from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚[1] Swanton J. [2] [3] [4] [5]

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Assessing the Quality of the Financial Statements Essay

†¢Reading the Financial Statements and Creating a Data File Our experience, and that of our students, is that careful and thorough reading of the financial statements yields a great deal of information about the firm. The financial statements, the notes, and management’s discussion and analysis provide valuable insights into the business strategies, profitability, and risk of the firm. Many firms explicitly disclose elements of the business that are performing well or poorly, also providing explanations about the performance. Many firms explicitly disclose projections of future business activities, such as expected future sales growth rates or capital expenditures, which are helpful information for projecting future financial statements. Analysts who do not carefully read the financial statements stand to miss this valuable information. After careful reading, the analyst should enter the financial statement data into a data file. One initial choice in creating a data file is whether to use the accounts and amounts that the firm provides in its Form 10-K or annual report to shareholders or to download and use amounts from various online sources or databases that format the amounts into a standardized template. One advantage of following the first approach is that you rely on the primary source of the financial statements, not on a secondary source about which you may not know all of the reclassifications and adjustments made to confirm the reported amounts to the standardized template. Another advantage of following the first approach is that the financial statement data will be classified into accounts consistent with the notes to the financial statements, the main source of information for assessing the quality of the reported amounts. The principal advantages of using amounts in a standardized template are that use of the template can save time and the financial statement amounts are reasonably comparable across firms. The next decision to be made is whether to input the financial statement data into FSAP, a financial statement analysis package that accompanies this text, or to create a new spreadsheet file. The principal advantages of FSAP are that it provides spreadsheets that have embedded formulas for the various profitability and risk ratios, it provides a template for preparing forecasted financial statements using the previously reported actual amounts as a base, and it inputs the forecasted amounts into several valuation models to arrive at equity values. †¢Assessing the Quality of the Reported Amounts One of the most important steps in financial statement analysis is to assess the quality of the reported amounts and make appropriate adjustments before proceeding to the analysis of profitability and risk. The saying â€Å"garbage in, garbage out† applies with particular importance to financial statements. To assess quality, you must read the financial statements and notes. Material nonrecurring or unusual income items are candidates for adjustment. Significant off-balance-sheet assets or liabilities also are candidates. Some adjustments may be needed to increase the comparability of the financial statement amounts for each of the firms analyzed in the term project.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Black People and Civil War Essay

The civil war ended in 1865 May 10 when the confederates surrendered to the union. After the civil war was over all of the slaves became free. They were call freedman. In some states they were not one hundred percent free though. Even though the slaves became free white people still did not like them and they were very racist to them. In Mississippi they had black codes which restricted blacks to do many things. How did whites attempt to reimpose bondage on their former slaves? The African Amercian’s were not allowed to rent or lease land and if they did they would be sued. The African Americans were not allowed to marry white people. If they did they would be guilty of felony and be sentenced to state jail for life. Whites still needed some labor help so they offered blacks to do some labor work and they would be payed. If the blacks were hired to work longer than a month then both the worker and the owner would have to have a written contract. If the worker quit before the contract was over without a good cause then the worker would have give back all of the money they got payed from the owner which is awful because blacks could get injured and the owner would not care and want the money they payed them back. Even if it was one day before the contract was over, but the owner would have really cruel to have done that. If the worker violated the contract than any white can arrest him and bring the black to jail. Blacks that were under the age of eighteen that did not have parents to provide and take care of them then the original owner can take the minor into their home and be their legal guardian. The owner was not allowed to give the minor cruel punishment. If whites see blacks who don’t come to work, get drunk in public, leave families, or misuse their money earned then they can be fined one hundred dollars and will have to go to jail no longer than ten days. If whites caught blacks over the age of eighteen living with whites or if they don’t have a job then the blacks would be fined fifty dollars and go to jail no more than ten days. The whites would be fined two hundred dollars and they would have to go to jail no less then six months. Blacks got the better deal off of that law, but the meaning was really hurtful to the blacks because the white people would get more in trouble then the black people would. It was like saying they hate blacks, but they hated the whites who liked the blacks more. Blacks were not even allowed to have weapons unless they were in the military, not even a knife. Everyone should have the right to protect their selves and their family. They needed the weapons especially because they just became free and many white people were angry that they became free and may try to harm them. On the bright side it kept them away from revenge on their master or any other enemies. If blacks disturbed the whites in any way from language to violence, trespassing, selling liquor without a license, being a minister of a church without a license, or cruel treatment to animals can be fined ten to one hundred dollars depending on the crime and serving ten to thirty days in jail. This law can be abused and white people could get the blacks in trouble because no one would know if the white people actually felt disturbed they could have been getting them in trouble because they were racist. Where whites successful to reimpose bondage on their former slaves? Yes, whites were very successful. Even though the blacks were free they took away many rights from them. They also made it impossible for blacks not to get into trouble. Abram Colby was beaten by members of the Klu Klux Klan on October 29, 1869. They took him to the woods and whipped him for three hours. The members of the Klu Klux Klan left him there and thought he died. In 1872 he was asked to testify in Washington and he did. He told them the whole story and the the members of the Klu Klux Klan were a lawyer, doctor, and farmers. The Klu Klux Klan killed many blacks during the time. Most of the time they got away with it because the leaders of the Klu Klux Klan were a bunch of high powered white people that were sheriffs,lawyers, and doctors. Where the freed slaves actually free? Overall they were free from slavery, but whites got every single chance they did to get the blacks in trouble with the law. Laws that were very strict that whites could not even abide by them, which was hypocritical. They pretty much took away their chances of becoming successful. The blacks were free from being someones slave. They were not as free as the whites were. Works Cited . N. p.. Web. 5 Feb 2014. . Sterling, D. .

Friday, September 13, 2019

Question Answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Question Answer - Essay Example They target both genders. Super bowl product category is beer, drinks, and snacks. Beer because its goes well with football. They can be able to get the latest brand and try it while watching the event. Snack is also a useful product for the case since they can take them while watching the game. Financial industry is not an adequate product category since people will be having fun, and they will not be having time for financial issues. Hence, they will not take it that serious. Autos too are not effect product since it runs all together in peoples mind (Hartmann and Klapper). Communications use some of the same purchase comparison metrics copy pretesting firms use, but gauges the ads effect on consumers who have seen them in the real world rather than forced viewing. The objective of the super bowl is to create product awareness to millions of people watching the event. There ads aims at reaching millions of people who are watching the game and make them join the new brand in the market by telling them about the positives of the product and the reason why they should not be left out. Direct sale cannot be the primary objective since it is not necessarily that the product will be brought at that particular time; it might take time before people can accept a new product. Active awareness means that the product has been on the market and as not been doing well hence trying to convince people that it is a real product. It will not be the place to convince them since you cannot convince them in a single day (Hartmann and Klapper). I do not think super bowl adverts are very efficient since it is one-day event, it will not capture people that much unlike TVs ads. In TV ads, people are repeated for sometimes making people know it better, hence want to try it. It is not effective too since its product category is limited to a particular product that go in line with the event hence it becomes bias. Creating brand awareness being primary

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The professional nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The professional nurse - Essay Example ing are responsible for taking strategic decisions about the practice of nursing and they have to develop new practices in the light of new research findings (May & Veitch, 1998). The officials of Board are also blessed with the authority of hold trails against unethical and deficient practices. However, Professional Nursing Organization has to train new recruits according to changing needs and requirements of the field which are passed by the Board of Nursing and other organizations like it (Functional Differences in PNO and Board of Nursing). Secondly, conditions imposed by Ethical Code of Nursing works in order to generally benefit the staff but it limits me from showing too much compassion towards patients because they may seek intimate relations (Williams, 2001). However, in some cases, I literally know that I can do more but I have to refrain myself from overindulgence. Thirdly, Ethical Code helps me in terms of saving my character from staining and I am trained to circumvent s exual advances of patients by limiting my services to fulfillment of minimal professional duties. Nurses are there to help the ill irrespective of their race, gender and economic situation and they have to show compassion to an acceptable degree as well (Read, Adiibokah, & Nyame, 2009). On the other hand, they are supposed to work in order to improve the quality of life of the patients by keeping them in a lively environment and they should encourage them to spend their time in healthy activities. Need Theory had influenced my pattern of work and I have been an optimistic person in the direction of my work in early days. However, as I grew in my experience then, I became more and more convinced that I shall render minimal medical aid to sick and encourage them to take charge of their recovery process (Sullivan, Menapace, & White, 2001). Human Caring Theory in my personal view is conveying one and the same thing as Need Theory because we cannot make one well if he or she is not hopeful

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

How did the physicians and the literate lay people in the 18th century Essay

How did the physicians and the literate lay people in the 18th century explain disease and what did they think were the roles of doctor, the individual, and the state in responding to and preventing it - Essay Example The state had not been involved previously in the maintenance of health and health related issues but many writings and works led to the initiation of the intervention of the government in these issues. This century could not be considered as an era of great medical development because it did not reach very close to the actual concept and meaning of medical practice. But the advances and progression in this regard was great enough as compared to the previous centuries. The concept of disease was previously considered to be the problems encountered by a patient. It was the presentation of the symptoms and signs by the patient which laid the basis for the explanation of the disease. This practice was very much common till the start of the eighteenth century. This is clearly presented by an example which was put forward by Alexander Morgan who was a surgeon in Bristol. He put forward a case which he encountered with a patient in 1744 when the patient presented him with his problems. This was the period when the doctor was not the person solely governing the pathology with which the patient was suffering and the prescribed medications. It was rather the doctor and the patient who discussed the problems together and reached to a conclusion regarding the treatment to be prescribed to the patient. It is said that during this time it was actually the patient who ruled the right to reach to a conclusion regarding his problem and medicine and practice basic ally lay in the hands of the sufferer. During this time patients explained the reasons for their diseases. They could actually stand against the treatment given to them by the doctor. The reasons explained for illnesses ranged from sudden changes in temperature to the curse of god. Not only were there vague reasons for diseases but treatments were also of a similar range. By the middle of the eighteenth century certain changes to these concepts were noticed. Hospitals were created by this time. And the other

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Hypatia of Alexandria (350-415) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hypatia of Alexandria (350-415) - Essay Example She followed the school of thought that was derived by Plato and developed by Plotinus. She was multitalented and this made people envious until they condemned her as a witch, which led to her murder in 415. All her works were burnt in the Great Library. Hypatia lived during a time of great change, in the late fourth and the beginning of the fifth centuries. She was born in around 350 A.D., though the time of her birth is not well known. During that time women were not allowed to contribute much in the society and were only treated as property. They had few options but Hypatia managed to freely move and maneuver in a tradition that was male dominated. Slavery was a dominant issue during that time, as it had sapped the vitality of classical civilization. In about 400 A.D. the philosophy of Neo-Platonism was taught. The philosophy was founded by Plotinus. Hypatia at that time taught philosophy and was the head of the school of Platonist at Alexandria. Religion was a major development at that time and most of the Christians were converted to paganism through the teachings of Hypatia. In the city, there used to be several riots between the Christians and non-Christians. The Christians felt that the works of Hypatia undermined and threatened the stability of their faith. These events became the turning point of the life of Hypatia. It was during the reign of the Roman governor, who had a good relationship with Hypatia. During this time, the people in the city of Alexandria were naà ¯ve and lacked formal education. Hypatia was a symbol of scholarship, especially due to the scientific knowledge she possessed. This made other people in the city, particularly the Christians to despise Hypatia and they decided to murder her. The works and remains of Hypatia’s body were burnt with an aim of the termination of her teachings. Although the Christians managed to undertake her murder, the teachings and works of Hypatia remain

Monday, September 9, 2019

Strategic Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategic Marketing - Case Study Example It is a democratic country which ensures that the tourism industry enjoys stability and hence the hotel industry will also get benefitted. India has a specific ministry called tourism ministry which formulates strategies to enhance the tourism sector in India. Indian government charges huge amount of taxes from the luxury hotels which will have a huge impact as political scenario changes. The hotel industry in India gets good incentives and the respective state governments also supports development of such hotels and their growth. Though the terrorist attacks on Taj Hotels and Oberoi hotel have led to drop in foreign travellers, Indian government is taking steps to allay such fears (Kachwala and Mukherjee, 2009, p. 158). Economic Factors India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world with the GDP growing almost 4 to 5 % where the rest of the world economies are slowing down. Hence many business meetings and conferences are held in India and the hotel industry tries to cap italize on that. It is seen that many foreign tourist travellers are now willing to spend money to get their value for it. As economy of India is increasing at a good pace, it signifies investments in infrastructure, construction of new avenues for tourist, increase in promotional expenditure, beautification of the cities and towns etc. These give a boost to the hotel industry. With high growth in GDP and a sound financial system, the hotel industry has grabbed the chance of enhancing their profitability (Anand, 1976, p. 43). Socio-Cultural India being a diverse nation has diverse languages, traditions, cultures, cuisines; making it an ideal destination for cultural tourism. India has more 22 languages recognized by constitution and 1600 dialects. Hence cultural tourism in India will rise and so will the growth of the hotel industry. According to Indian culture they always treat guest as God. In Sanskrit there is a popular Shloka â€Å"ATHITHI DEVO BAHVAH†. It gestures the lo ve for their guest that exist in India. Foreigners love this concept and are pleased with the love they get in travelling to India. This also enhances the Hotel Industry (Briggs, 2001, p. 49). Technological In today’s globalised world Information technology plays a critical role in tourism planning and implementation. There are web based platform like, in India which provides tourist booking hotels online. Most of the luxury hotels are now Wi-Fi enabled. More technology means less manpower and chance of lesser complaints. This shows enhancement of the Hotel Industry In India transportation system is not as per the international standard. For any nation to be successful in tourism industry it must be equipped with efficient transportation system which is capable of carrying large volumes of people in a cost efficient way. India is lagging behind in this front. If this improves a foreigner can easily find such luxury hotels and travel there comfortably (Kannan, 2005, p. 39). Environmental In India the environmental forces supports the Hotel Industry in India. Environmental forces like growth of GDP, Political stability in India supports the Hotel industry in India. Legal Indian Legal system is very strong and it doesn’t support any flouting of rules like keeping emergency services ready, keeping the appropriate records of the foreign visitors, paying of appropriate taxes etc. Such